
I was just thinking, and I realized, wheres the airtime. There really isn't a place where there could be air time. Exept for the second of the last drop. But you won't be going that fast by that point after taveling 5,000 some feet.
The air time comes at the bunny hill before the last turn.
ShiveringTim's avatar
I'll have to disagree with both of you. After riding S:ROS, I think that all the hills will have big airtime. Just because they hill is big doesn't mean it won't have airtime (see out half of Shivering Timbers).

Scott W. Short

I couldn't have said it better Tim

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Jeff's avatar
People in a recent thread on rec.roller-coaster tossed around the word airtime like it made them sound more important. I agree with Scott that the airtime on this ride will be huge. But even if there wasn't... who cares? Take Raptor, for example. It doesn't have airtime (not in the traditional sense of the word), but yet we love it dearly.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I too think the airtime will be considerable on MF..


Jeffrey Spartan
Agreed, Jeff. Airtime is only one element of a good coaster. B&M inverteds are always in people's "Top 10" lists and very seldom produce big air. Fire Dragon is the only one I've been on that floats for any duration at all.

And the airtime on MF will be long. Think of the floater on Magnum - but longer - for the second to the last hill, before the final turn.
I want to know what some of you people define Air Time as. I could have sworn it was -G's. If I am not correct please correct me. Now look at the first hill. Do you see the first hill. Okay not look at it again. That is going to be some major G's. 3 hill known as the Magnum Hill. Well you know there is going to be some G's there. As for the 100ft turns I don't know, I think there will be some airtime in them. Then what about the hill next to the Magnum hill. G's there also. I am so sick of this crap. And now I can say I am getting mad. In the words of Seven-of-9 "Some People are never Happy." This is getting tired.

Millennium Force ride count: 0
Negative G-forces are those that overcome the force due to gravity. Many refer to this feeling as "airtime." One can crest a hill without overcoming the force due to gravity, thus never experiencing negative G's. Unless any of us are privy to design calculations (which would have analyzed every force during every moment of the ride) we can only speculate as to what will be experienced (outside of what cedar point has mentioned in press releases).
Ok Look, Drops have airtime. Every hill has airtime. MF will rule.

Ok....if u sit in the back seat of any coaster...with a strait, MF, blue streak, mean streak, gemini, corkscrew you will get airtime....because the rest of the train has already gone over the hill...and it is pulling u with it. me and my brother-in-law jeff (screechnowl) have got alot of airtime on the first hill of the magnum...and other coasters...i think this will be about the same on MF... and that is guna be the seat i go for no one take it opening day or

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
Let me simplify airtime: it's when your butt is no longer touching the seat (provided you don't have the seatbelt and/or lapbelt too tight). It's that wieghtless feeling. The 3rd hill on the Magnum (the hill just after the 1st tunnel) is one of the longest and best "floater hills" in exsistance.
Negative Gs are when the train is dropping faster or tighter than a parabolic trajectory would cause. It pushes you up as you want to continue along your path and the coaster drags you down with it. Technically, it's 0G. Now, floating begins when you get below 1G and can be called airtime without any major quibbling.

By their OTSR nature, Inverteds [and standups, and loopers...] tend to have little to no air, but try to overcome in in other ways. Non-loopers [woodies, hypers, freeformers, mice, etc] try to overcome a lack in elements with either more interesting forces, or a profusion of laterals or airtime. Woodies, however, can benefit themselves by racing through their structure or using headchoppers. Airtime, however, is often the force du jour for nostalgists and woodie-fans. It's a force more unique to this styleof coaster than laterals and the like, and is thus more valued.

Plus, it usually hurts less than laterals. =)
This is my first year of listening to real hardcore roller coaster enthusiest. I have to say its quite amazing, I've never heard of such rides being picked apart so much. Its quite impressive sometimes the things you learn.

what some of these conversations remind me off

It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.
Well, it doesn't matter. Will you go and tell your master that Arthur from the Court of Camelot is here?
Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right?

from MPs Holy Grail
About Airtime: You won't even miss airtime with the 310 foot drop and the over banked turns on the island. Trust me, you won't be screaming,"I wish this ride had AIRTIME!"

You'll be saying, "______" well, you fill it in. ;)
I'm suprised that no one has mentioned the fact that all of the over banked turns will have positive G's to keep your heinie in the seat. That should reduce the number of "airtime hills". But as was pointed out, most drops have airtime in the back seat when you're pulled over fast enough.
I think people are saying "MF will have no airtime" because they associate airtime with Magnum's hills on the return run (who hasn't?) MF doesn't exactly have that. MF will have some airtime, and it will be great...

Can you chase The Raptor?
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
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