
i know this is probaly a dumb question but is there alot of airtime on ttd, like at the top of the top hat??, i am goin next year and i am just curious so when i ride i know what to expect, i am riding in the front seat so if anyone has riddent there please tell me if there is alot of airtime.=)
Cedar Point, The Roller Coast!!
to answer your question... yes and no, in the front seat you do get a little bit of airtime but the ride ops staple you in there so tight that it is not as much air as you would think (or like to have).. and your over the top so fast that thats the least of your worries...

TTD=4(frontseat=1)absoulutely amazingWT=32MIlle=61
MagnumDan sitings this year=6
*** This post was edited by MeanStreaker 6/2/2003 5:09:46 PM ***

How bout this: don't worry! It's an awesome ride, it shouldn't matter whether you've got air over the top or not! When I was on it, like MeanStreaker said, it was the least of my worries. Just don't think about anything. When you pull out into the staging area just look at the people watching you. Then STOP thinking. :)

The Point of Cedars - Pointing you in the right direction!

You don't get airtime on this ride, mostly becasue the ride ops do staple you down into the seat. But i didnt mind, i mean i knew there wasnt going to be a lot of sirtime by just looking at it. Good choice going for the front seat, the launch is ten times better there than anywhere else.
thats what i heard raptor, i cant wait!! thanks for the info
Cedar Point, The Roller Coast!!
On my two laps i was out of my seat from when we strated to crest till we started to pull out from verticle, and i was stapled.

Ed Markey is my anti-drug.
Rollercoasters have proven to cause brain damage in stupid politicians.

trips to CP:6 Dragster:2 MFer:6 Magnum: 13 Running with the bulls for a 15 minutes dragster wait, Must be June!

I think you get more airtime than you realize, just because you're still in a kind of dazed state after that phenomenal launch. Despite being stapled pretty good, I felt myself being pulled upwards over the first 3 quarters of the top hat. And just to agree with everybody else, the front seat is unanimously the best. For your first ride, don't expect to be thinking about the airtime, because you will just be awed by the launch.

CP 2K3: 5

Well said mantis man nothing can prepare you for this ride, it is just awesome!!!

Ed Markey is my anti-drug.
Rollercoasters have proven to cause brain damage in stupid politicians.

trips to CP:6 Dragster:2 MFer:6 Magnum: 13 Running with the bulls for a 15 minutes dragster wait, Must be June!

First ride: Front seat. Total orgasmic blur. don't remember airtime.

Second ride: back seat. EJECTOR style airtime. You have been stapled for a reason! (this was with the 4 car per train setup, I'm not sure if 5 cars will give more or less negative g's) .. I'll know Thursday! ;)

The B E S T SEVENTEEN s-e-c-o-n-d-s of SHEER >>InSaNitY<< I've E V E R experienced!

Some of you folks must be in a euphoric daze or something. Sure you get stapled in, but even so this ride is airtime city! Major air up at the top and air again in the downard spiral. I can imagine that the air would be lessened in the front, but the airtime is there for sure - pay attention. Your @ss is totally out of the seat for the whole tophat.


When I rode Opening Day, I got stapled so hard I thought my legs were going to be cut off! I was in the 3rd seat and could swear that I could have easily slid my hand between me and the seat when we went over the top. Major airtime. I actually think I got less airtime when I rode in the last seat. The train really slows up going over the top so by the time the last seat gets to the tophat you don't get as much as the front of the train. The tophat has such a large radius that the last seats don't feel the whip until you're almost going straight down. The best thing to do is to lean as far forward as you can as you come over the top.
My brother and I sat in the second row, and we were thrown out of are seats! (figuratively speaking...)

it was great.

one more question, i want to ride in the front seat, but do u get to choose, when i was there last time i rode the wicked tiwister and we got told were to sit, can u sit wherever u want on ttd?? and is the line usually long for the front seat?(if u can choose)

Cedar Point, The Roller Coast!!

Well you now can wait for the front seat of TTD sometimes generally it adds 20 minutes to your wait, sometimes more sometimes less. Well worth it!

Ed Markey is my anti-drug.
Rollercoasters have proven to cause brain damage in stupid politicians.

trips to CP:6 Dragster:2 MFer:6 Magnum: 13 Running with the bulls for a 15 minutes dragster wait, Must be June!

Actually I think 20 minutes would be the minimum wait for the front. Most of the time I've seen it, it has been out of the actual front line area, and around 30-45 minutes.

CP 2K3: 5

We waited for the front all three days we were there this week it is about 20 minutes for the second train if you are in or right behind the bars.
Doesn't anyone want some surprise on the ride?¿?¿? Everyone is saying.....what is it like, what is it like? If you want to know so bad then ride for yourself. There is nothing like riding something and having no idea what it is like. The surprise element is the best on opening day (before everyone ruins the expirience feeling for you)
Monty before first ride on TTD- " I’ve ridden dozens of coasters across the country. Then why did Top Thrill Dragster scare the dickens out of me?"
Front seat also turns out very nicely in your on-ride photo as well...;)

"What time does the 10 pm laser show start?"

Topthrill420, there is nothing we can say to ruin the surprise. You can't prepare for a ride like this. Words can't describe it, forum message boards can't describe it, even tho we try it isn't possble. Talking about this ride is not like ruining the ending of a movie, like when you walk out of Xmen2 and say rather loudly "I can't believe Wolverine wears a thong thru the whole movie!"(hehe that was something i wanted to say when i got out of it, just to see if anyone would leave lol) plain and simple, this ride can't be described, it just has to be riden.

Ed Markey is my anti-drug.
Rollercoasters have proven to cause brain damage in stupid politicians.

trips to CP:6 Dragster:2 MFer:6 Magnum: 13 Running with the bulls for a 15 minutes dragster wait, Must be June!

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