Well we don't know what Admission will be next year, but I will speculate . A regular increase of $1 I think can be expected. Along with the new ride, I think that will add another dollar or two. I will guess Admission next year will be $41. Whatever the price is just ignore it because that's not what you will pay. More important is the Ride and Ride again ticket which I think was $64 this year which gives you 2 days in the park.
You can also get discounted tickets with pop cans, AAA, or whatever which will probably bring you to about $30 a ticket in the end. No matter what option one could take just think of paying $30 for one day for the park
You can Buy a season pass right now for $80. So if you are going 2.5 days then it'spaid for. Also once you get your pass you don't have to wait in line and by tickets. A Parking pass is $25 right now I think so if you are going at least 4 times then it will pay for itself.
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 10/24/2001. ***