Admission Price Question.

I went to the official site to check out waht regular admission prices are, but all they had were Hallowekend prices.  I am going to Cedar Point next summer, possibly for multiple days.  How many days does it take to pay off a season pass if you uy it at the gate?  How much is a season pass after an early bird special?  How much is regullar adult Admission to the park?  Thanx a lot, the help is appreciated.
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
Well we don't know what Admission will be next year, but I will speculate . A regular increase of $1 I think can be expected. Along with the new ride, I think that will add another dollar or two. I will guess Admission next year will be $41. Whatever the price is just ignore it because that's not what you will pay. More important is the Ride and Ride again ticket which I think was $64 this year which gives you 2 days in the park.
You can also get discounted tickets with pop cans, AAA, or whatever  which will probably bring you to about $30 a ticket in the end. No matter what option one could take just think of paying $30 for one day for the park
You can Buy a season pass right now for $80. So if you are going 2.5 days then it'spaid for. Also once you get your pass you don't have to wait in line and by tickets. A Parking pass is $25 right now I think so if you are going at least 4 times then it will pay for itself.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 10/24/2001. ***

If you plan on going at least two days next a season pass ASAP. They have dropped the price to $79, but only until Oct. 31. This pays for 2 days worth of the regular admission (of this year)...and I'm certain there will be a price hike next year because of the new ride(s).
With the AAA discount, Pepsi cans and such, I wouldn't buy a pass unless you think you're going three times.
sorry, this might sound like a dumb question, but what is AAA?  thanx for the info on the other things.  it is  appreciated.
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
In the United States the AAA (AKA Triple-A) is the American Automobile Association.  It provides motorists with free tows and discounted tickets and travel.  In Canada it's the CAA.  If you join AAA you can go to Sandusky and buy Discounted Cedar Point Tickets if your local office doesn't carry them.

*** This post was edited by flisk on 10/26/2001. ***

I'm not sure about other cities, but several cities in Metro Detroit have discounted tickets if you buy them from the City Hall, or something like that. Our Department of Recreation here in St. Clair Shores provides discounts like that, I believe last summer about $30 for admission.

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

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