
Yes that is Old BUT...I was there:)
CP Irvine, it was cool to see your new tat the other night and I like the color and time you decide to go get a new one let me see what you are planning on doing!

-Milly Crew '01
-Bluestreak Crew '00
Rob, which one are you talking about? Mine or something else? Hmmmm.... I shoot for the really old stuff, that's what has meaning for me. It's not just the's EVERYTHING. There's a turn-of-the-century design from an ad for the park that's calling out.....

Hey, thanks Jamin! :) I appreciate it! Next time I see you I'll tell you what my most-wanted one is, trying to keep it on the downlow a bit. :) I'm ultra picky about what I get...I knew I had picked the right design when I cried when I saw the finished crest for the first time..Brian will vouch for me. :) I still just about lose it when I look in the mirror. They have a ton of meaning for me...I take mine pretty darn seriously :) (Well, anything permanent should be :) ) Can't wait to see your new one!

No one be surprised if my entire back is one big mural someday. For what that park's been to me, having something on me forever that reminds me of it is beyond tempting....
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
Rob, u think your obsessed? I go at least 3 times a year and i constantly think about it. In school i draw doodles of the coasters!!
Well lets see.. Friday was my 54th visit to the park this summer...

Nope.. you got my beat.. I bow to your superior obsession.. ;)

- Big Pimp -
MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 107 laps as of (7/26/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

-Milly Crew '01
-Bluestreak Crew '00
You're lucky this is a family site Ben.. hehehe

actually.. goto this thread.. hehe I think you'll get a kick out of it..

- Big Pimp -
MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 107 laps as of (7/26/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
Dad said today that they should make a plaque for that step and call it the Red Garter Rob Honorary Stair Tread :)
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
Cute... if your dad wasn't such a nice guy.. I'd have nasty things to say about him.. hehehehe

I feel so loved...

- Big Pimp -
MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 107 laps as of (7/26/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
hahaha, this is great, one of these days i'll have to come out there with ya Rob and sit and have a few........yeah now that I think about it that sounds good ! I'll just make sure it's a sunny day, sure to be no wet steps then...hehehehe

Wildcat Crew 99
Blue Streak Crew 00
Raptor Crew 01
Milly Laps....uh ? *** This post was edited by wildcatadam on 7/30/2001. ***
Yeah you're loved, we may rip on you but we do it with a smile :) ;)
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
Or rolling on the floor laughing at the mental image, but I did feel bad about you losing a beer :).
I really should be working...
I'll be 16 in a week... perhaps I should jump over to Canada and ink myself with the MF logo...

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Addiction To The Force? Nah Not Possible!


Future Wicked Twister Rider.

Hi, My Name Is RaptorForceTwister And I'm an addict.I Miss millie And Maggie and all The Rest and I...I...I HUGGED GEMINI <Tear,Tear> I NEED HELP.

To Alcohol The Cause Of And Solution To All Of Life's Problems!

I'm trying to figure out your screen name.... Raptor Millennium Wicked Twister Force Mantis XL-372 Disaster Mine Ride Streak...

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Don't worry.  The first time i went I got addicted too.  I couldn't wait untill my next trip.  Everytime that the CP commercial would come on, I would stare and watch with a smile on my face.  You know, the one with the song: "you gotta, you wanna, you have to hold on. Cedar point hold on"!!!  I loved it and still do.  I have only been there twice in my life, but plan to go back many more times.  The atmosphere and everything about the place.  And even though I love the bigger coasters, last time I went no one would go on them with me.  So we decided to go on stuff that we all liked.  Well after dragging my 2 friends on the disastor transport, they loved it.  We rode it about 11 times that day.  At least 9 in a row.  Now, I know every turn by heart, and it gets funner everyitme.  Especially in the very front seat.  Sorry, I kinda get carried off when it comes to!! NE ways, u r NOT the only

*** This post was edited by IVAN on 12/8/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by IVAN on 12/8/2001. ***

Addiction Nah Not Possible Just Becouse I Visit Cedar Almost Every Single Day Does Not Make Me An Addict Does It?

To Alchohol The Cause Of And Solution To All Of Lifes Problems

I Admit I Need help. I Love Cedar Point.<Tear,Tear>

Cedar point: Come For The Coasters,Stay For The Coasters.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I have the CP website as my homepage, and to pass the time I watch the Discovery Channel Special and cry.  I'm not addicted.
-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."

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