ACE Problem, I need help

Ok here's my problem. Last year on the old CP Place, I posted a thread about wanting to join ACE. I tried to join ACE in the summer of 1996. I wrote them, and a few weeks later I got a pamphlet and membership application from them. I filled out the application and sent in the money. I never heard from them again. Last year I put a thread about it on CP Place. A member emails me saying that he told the President of ACE about what happened to me. I get an email from the President. He says that he's sending me an application. But he says that after I send in the application, and membership fee it might take 6 - 8 weeks. Now this was last Febuary. I did this because I wanted to go to Coastermania at CP. Well I sent in the money and application. I still haven't heard from ACE. But I emailed them, but just after I did that my email started performing illegal operations. It kept shutting down. Can somebody who is an ACE member help me out. I have tried to join ACE twice. I have sent in $100.00 to them and have not heard a thing. I would like to join ACE. If they continue to do this then I don't want to join ACE. What are some other coaster clubs that you might recommend?

My email address is *** This post was edited by Matt on 1/17/00. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Greater Ohio Coaster Club will get ya into Coastermania...I'm a member of ACE and had no trouble!! Have you tried emailing Brian Peters the membership director of ACE?? Hes good about getting things straightened out!! If so email me privately and we can talk about this option Matt...


Jeffrey Spartan
ShiveringTim's avatar
For any issues you have with ACE, you should contact your regional representative, membership director Brian Peters, or (as you have alread done) the president Bill Linkenheimer. All email addresses can be found at

Scott W. Short
And save your cancelled checks if you have them.

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