ACE Member ?s

I'm thinking of becoming an ACE member -- I think the publications would be neat, but what else is involved and is it really worth it? I'm in FL, and won't really be able to get to many (if any) events, unless there are some in FL. What do you think?

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Well, I'm first year ACE member. So far the publications have been very good. I am going to my first two ACE events next month(KennyKon and the one at SFGA). I am not sure what events are in FL. You could always check out their web site. and check out what goes on in your state.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11
ACE publications are good but ECC's are much better. Even though they are in Europe they have really good US news. I've only been to one major event, Ultimate Preservation Conference last year and it was tons of fun. So in sumation if you don't think you are going to get any events and are joining only for magazines join the ECC but if you think you will make it to an event or two go ahead and join ACE. I hope this helps.
Jeff's avatar
ACE has a certain reputation associated with it that, for better or worse, deserved or not, I wouldn't be crazy about being associated with. Eurpoean Coaster Club puts out a great magazine, and I'm a memeber.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Jeff - what reputation? If you don't want to put it in open forum, email me! I'm new to the club idea and I'm interested.

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Aside from the "reputation", a large percentage of members are attracted to members of the same sex. I was unaware of this until I did Kennywood at their summer conference 2 years ago. While it didn't annoy me, I will say I was somewhat uncomfortable about constantly getting hit on by other guys.
I hadn't heard that before. More to Crystalkat's question - ACErs have a reputation for being more demanding and... arrogant than most of the other coaster clubs. *** This post was edited by Bill on 7/17/2000. ***
"More demanding and...arrogant than most other clubs."

Although I have only been to one event, in this my first year, I didn't notice any Ace members (wearing ACE memorabilia) that were any more arrogant then some of the other people that had other clubs memorabilia on.

Not saying it hasn't happened, but I havn't seen it yet.
CrystalKat, Thanks for asking this question. I was wondering the same thing and considering the club idea myself. I'm glad for all the insight. I'll probably wait until next year to decide, then take full advantage of the summer season.
But for now I Can't wait until Friday! Have waited a year for this day!
Of course in ANY club or organization, there will be some bad apples, but on the contrairy, there are alot more good apples than bad apples 99% of the time. I have only been to CoasterMania so far, but I'm going to KennyKon this year, I'll tell you how it goes. So far every ACE member I have meet, with the exception of very few (screechnowl knows who im talking about at the Marina Gate and Magnum line) people, have all been nice, non arrogant people. Even at the discovery channel shoot there were some other ACE memebers, and they were not jerks, or A-holes.

Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-11
Somewhat..are you talking about SFGAdenture"s coaster celebration Sept 9=10??Ill be there..

im a ace member and i act no diverantly than you would.i abide by all the park rules and i do act arragant or rude.and i also have a girlfreind.i wish people would qute bashing ace members becouse of 1 of 2 bad apples. im talking about going to KennyKon XI...

Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-11
Jeff's avatar
What's a "diverantly?"

Don't worry, this isn't school - thankfully! :)
Hey hey hey I'm an ACEer yanno, 8th year actually. And lots of my friends are too. I mean, I'm awesome and everything naturally but that doesn't make me arrogant. ;)

Thunder Canyon Ride Operator (transferred)

Cute, Natalie ;-)

I'm an ACE member, too, but there ARE times I won't admit it. There are a LOT of ACE members (certainly not all of them) that DO seem to expect special treatment. It's great when a park DOES do something special, but it's NOT a requirement. Maybe these people think that because they paid for membership in ACE, they get special privileges as a result, but that's not so. They paid *ACE*, but not the parks.

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