While talking to people from my school, alot of them said that they are more scared of the Wicked Twister then they were of the Dragster. Dont get me wrong, they said the Dragster was fun but they said the Wicked Twister was scary and more intimadating then the Dragster.
Roller Coasters- Born free; trimmed to death.
huh alot of kids at my school dont even know what Cedar Point is, i live about an hour away, an hour 15 minutes its kinda sad lol
Wow, Joe, that's kinda sad. From your distance away, I assume you live in Ohio. I live 4 hours away from CP, and everyone knows what it is...
I live in Western NY and everyone knows about CP. Thank's to me. Well I was scared by Dragster much more that WT but I can see why some people's thoughts differ.
101 on Magnum and counting...
I can't. How can WT possibly be scarier than Dragster? Though I guess some people don't like going backwards... then again, TTD goes backwards nearly half the time anyways... ;)
All you see with Dragster is a big hill and a straightaway, with WT you see lots of curving and going backwards high.
I think being below the track has a lot to do with it also. To some the thought of having nothing underneath you is quite scary. *** Edited 10/28/2004 1:11:23 AM UTC by fat chris***
2005 - Dragster Photo
2002-2007 - Season Pass
...On the playground, is where I spent most of my days.
Anyway, I can see why some people think Wicked Twister is scarier than TTD. Along with the other factors you guys already mentioned, some people freak out when they see the track swaying. I've never been in line for WT and NOT saw someone look up and see the swaying, gasp, and start telling their group about it.
Top Five:
1)TTD 2)MF 3)Magnum 4)Raptor 5)WT
Sit on the benches by the Hydrualic building and watch the track where the train starts going vertical. It sways very severly after a train passes it. You can really see the track banging side to side by at least a foot and a half. much worse than WT is now after they put the yellow supports on the twist. The feet dangling part on WT freaks a lot of people out.
2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick
Yeah, guess you're all right... For me, I guess it doesn't seem that scary to have nothing beneath you but ground (or sky)...
1870 said:
...On the playground, is where I spent most of my days.
"Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school..." ;)
- Uncle Jay
I guess some people might think that something will go wrong and it will fly off the track.
Apparently some people play way too much RCT. ;)
Top Five:
1)TTD 2)MF 3)Magnum 4)Raptor 5)WT
LOL, I can't even remember how many times a train has flown off the train on that game for me. I've also noticed some people being scared of WT and not even riding it. And I can't see how kids from a school within three hours of Cedar Point not knowing what it is.
Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.
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