A School Project

I am doing a senior project at my high school that shows the logic and psychological reasoning for riding roller coasters. This is due next year in June. (the lay-out) I will be a senior in 2003.
My plan is to take my video camera and digital camera and take some pictures for my project.
I know I won't get in trouble for taking any pictures, but will I get in trouble for going up to people and asking them a few questions (with their permission) and filming my entire project there?
I have tried to contact CP about this, but no returned phone calls. Maybe you can help:

CP Rocks! *** This post was edited by jakedicke on 10/14/2000. ***
Well, shows like Discovery Channel, and TLC just go up to people, and ask them about the rides, so I don't see why there would be a problem.
Thanks CP_bound for the reply.
I'll make my project ava. for download on my web site (yet to be launched) when I am done.

CP Rocks!
Gemini's avatar
But shows on the Discovery Channel, etc, have a PR escort. I believe the rule is that all working media must be escorted.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
Thanks to you also Gemini.
So if I am "working media" would I need an escort? I'm just doing a senior project??
It would just be my luck the "PR Escort" would cost.
Oh, tried to call CP again and speak to someone in PR... they were nice enough to hang up on me. I need them to answer my questions or I am going to tell Sprint to send my telephone bill to CP. Everytime I call, it's long distance.

CP Rocks!
When you go to CP, I'd go to the Park Operations office (in Kiddy Kingdom behind the giraffe) and ask them -- see if you can talk to one of the managers and ask.

If you want to call, I'd call 1-800-668-JOBS (toll free) and ask to speak to the office. I've done that when I return calls to the Park Op office and while it might take a little explaining, it's free! It might be a good idea to have someone at your school (an administrator or counselor) write something on school letterhead that details what a senior project is supposed to be, so that CP doesn't think you're just making it up. When in doubt, document! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
I would talk to your local newspaper (If they are reasonably small, not like the Cleveland Plain Dealer or anything), and ask them if they get invitations to Media Day. If they do, offer to cover it. It may work, and just offer to write the story, and take your photos/do your filming then. Just a suggestion...
Even though that's not for me about the Media Day thing, I might think about that.

"I'm just a teenage dirt bag"
After a long debate with my local newspaper, well... let's just say NO LUCK THERE. I got through to CP only to be told that I was not allowed. I could film the roller coasters but I could not go up to people and ask them questions about the rides; or film my project in the park. I could not be awarded a "Working Media Pass" either because I am not 18.??? (someone please explain)
I then proceeded to ask them if they thought I was joking about my project, they said they thought what I was doing was legit. I asked them if they would reconsider if my teacher would send something to them in school letter head (thanks CrystalKat for the idea) They also said no to this.
But one thing I did find out, if I go on Perimiter Road, and use Millennium Force as a backdrop, there is nothing they could do, because I am not "in" the park filming my project.
Ya' know, I thought CP would be more helpful; but if they did it for me, they would have to do it for every other "yut" in the state of Ohio that is doing a Senior Project.

CP ROCKS!!!! (not this time)
why not gather up a few "Volunteers" from school or even from here and try to arrange some sort of meeting/filming session and go ahead and shoot some "Stock footage" of the rides to intersperse with the interviews? wouldn't be the same as being in the park doing them, but it would at least get you close to what you want to achieve...

--servo, For whom the off-season started on June 7th, 2000 at 12 noon...
ya know, I never thought of that. Thanks!! :-)
Anyone else have any other ideas?

CP ROCKS!!!! (they have reagined their title in my books)
I was just going to suggest that.
Okay, how about this:
Do it WITHOUT Cedar Point's permission!
To tell you the truth, they have bigger things to worry about than a kid taking a few photos and shooting some video. And in regard to asking the employees some questions, go over to the Employee Lounge on this site. They will be glad to help, and I'm sure there is at least one Millennium Force operator over there.

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