a rumor about corkscrew

yesterday i was talking to a classmate in school and we wree talking a about cedar point. She said that yast year a lady was on the corkscrew and while going through an inversion the restraint failed to work and the lady fell out of her seat and died landing in the midway. I never remember hearing anything this, but she instisted that it was on the news and it was true.

Does anyone know if this is a true story or if she is just pulling my leg?
I dont think this is true. There was an accident last year on corkscrew though. The chain on the lift broke, and hit some people sitting in the train.

The Samurai has spoken.
That is not true. BUT something did happen. In August(sp?) 1999 the chain broke on the corkcrew.
For the full story go to the news section(on this site) and type(in the search box) corkcrew in.

Thank you for your help i found the article in the news section and this makes more sense.
Jeff's avatar
You could go through the corkscrews with no restraint and never leave your seat.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
It seems Cedar Point has started attract urban legends. Probably stated by fans of PKI and Geagua Lake. Belive 15% of what you hear and 85% of what you hear.
Not neccesarily, just ask Jenn (Magnum is sinking rumor).
That rumor sounds like a hybrid of the death on Paramount's Drop Zone out in CA (forgive me, I can't remember the actual name of the park)and the Corkscrew chain incident. It's like that game you play when you're little - telephone, where you pass on a statment and see how messed up it gets as it goes down the line!!

Carrie's Cedar Point Employee Page
If Corkscrew were ever to throw a rider, it would be at the top of the second hill, not in the inversions.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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