A Rocket Ship revival idea

Very good points RideMan. The one thing that gets me, however, is that the Rocket Ships have a very long ride cycle time. One of the few rides i have operated, once you get the thing going it basically turns off the engine/motor and lets the ships come to a stop. That, i think, is why it is perceived to have a low capacity. However i do not know the average length of that ride cycle, nor any of the aforementioned rides with similar seating capacity.

With a ride like that, you have to be careful about starting it up and slowing it down because you don't want to wrap the tubs around the centerpole. But especially now, with the availability of regenerative drives and programmable controllers, the cycle time could be shortened a little, as a little controlled braking could bring them back down in short order without jerking the ride to a stop.

There is a photo of Kennywood's rocket ship ride hanging in the restaurant at the center of the park. That photo shows six rockets hanging from the ride.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Rideman, the one at Kennywood used a rheostat like the one on the Carousel, and a manually operated drum brake. The brake was actuated by pulling down on a "D" handle that was attached to the brake band. The ride coasted for easily a third of the ride cycle.

Jeff's avatar

It's interesting to speculate on whether or not they'd every consider building what would essentially be a new ride. Cedar Fair as a whole isn't exactly known for preserving history, but history is frankly the most marketable thing that Geauga Lake has going for it.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I would agree with that completely. It's funny that a park with almost no history preserved in photos, books etc. would be in a position where its history was its only marketable asset.

I think putting this ride back in wouldn't get people as excited as a coaster but would be great for nostalgia buffs. At one point in time many Rocket Ship rides operated in Northern Ohio alone. Euclid Beach, Chippewa Lake, Meyer's Lake, Idora Park,Geauga Lake and Cedar Point. And I am sure there was more.

If they ever would do this please put it near the water. The old Meyer's Lake park had there' near the lake and it was so cool to ride it and was so relaxing.

I miss that place.

I don't think the return of the Rocket Ships alone can stir up to much excitement; but i think you might be suprised what a commitment to the past of GLP would do for the communities perception of the park.

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