For anybody who wants a quick look at the train on the track as seen from the MF webcam, check my site. (it's only a 100k file)
I have some other webcam animations from earlier in March showing the pull-thru in turn two and the station being roofed (oohhh exciting!) that I haven't posted. If anybody's interested, let me know and I'll make them available.
IF anyone is interested?!?!?!
you have GOT to be kidding me.. have you not seen these people going nuts over anything related to Millennium Force?!?! (no offense to you all, i am one of them)
you will get more hits to your website than britany spears can sing about.. cheesy eh?
I know what you mean, badnitrus. After all, I'm the one who's been saving webcam images!! BTW, nice POV animation.