A question on weather maximums


Friday, May 9, 2003 5:50 PM
With a break in my schedule this Sunday, and no other breaks for the forseeable future, I am noting that they are calling for 25 - 30 mph wind this Sunday. I am not worried about the chance of showers. But, with a fairly long drive, and wanting to ride TTD as the main goal, I am looking for feedback on the potential for a 25-30 mph wind potential.

Thank you.



Friday, May 9, 2003 6:08 PM
Do you mean to ask if CP will close the ride if they wind conditions are as you say? I am not sure but I think it has some to do with what direction the winds are coming from. If the winds are gusting towards the top of TTD in the oposite direction of travel, then they may close it because the train might difficulty clearing the top hat. And, as always, no one can predict the weather 100% so just get up early before you leave and check the local forecast.


Friday, May 9, 2003 6:09 PM
Raptor will certianly be down, if the winds are that high, and if the wind is coming off the lake, it will be frigid.

The best thing about Six Flags "Worlds of Adventure" is that Cedar Point is nearby!



Friday, May 9, 2003 8:33 PM
Go another day I wouldn't want to wait in line for 6 hours and then find out TTD is closed.

Old Timer Tim

Friday, May 9, 2003 10:44 PM

If the wind is "high" and from the RIGHT direction then and ONLY then will Raptor or any other ride (ie.SKY RIDE) be down for weather...And IFa ride does shut down for weather CP will monitor the weather and as soon as possible open/re-open the ride in question.

Please stop trying to play "expert" on how CP will operate the park on any given day. SIT BACK, RELAX, AND ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!


Millenium Force is sinking too

Saturday, May 10, 2003 7:04 AM

I am not worried about the chance of showers

Really? I'm wondering what it will feel like heading STRAIGHT UP at 120 mph into a drizzle coming straight down...

I don't think it will be pleasant... Welts on your face aren't out of the question if it's actually "raining" :-)

Hey, I heard a rumor that Millenium Force is sinking...


Evan Johnson

Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:01 AM
Yeah, rain coming down on you as you are boosted straight up a hill is not fun.
Last year my dad and I went PKD for a day trip. I couldn't wait to ride Hypersonic XLC!! We wait for about 2.5 hours, and of course we waited for the front. We got into the car and were all locked in, and it moved out of the station and then just stopped. They didn't know what was wrong, and until the mehcanics came, they couldn't let us out of the train. Of course for that period of time it was raining, so were completely soaked. But then, when we it was finally fixed, we rode it, while it was still raining. That rain hurt really bad, but at least it was a smaller hill so we didn't have huge welts on our faces.

I'd imagine TTD would be a lot worse with even just drizzle like Millenium Force is sinking too said!



Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:14 PM
My initial statement on not worrying about rain was in reference to the chance of rain in the area in the Spring is just something you have to deal with. Rain can pop-up and disappear.

Wind tends not to pop-up and leave. Looking at several different forecasts, it looks like the rain may not be much of a problem, but most weather sites are calling for 20+ mph winds. That is why I was asking about wind and TTD. I have ridden MF in a light rain, and been on most of the coasters there over the years in some rain form or another, but have not been at CP on a "windy day".

Thanks for the information that has been posted so far.



Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:04 PM

Browntggrr said:
Raptor will certianly be down, if the winds are that high, and if the wind is coming off the lake, it will be frigid.

The best thing about Six Flags "Worlds of Adventure" is that Cedar Point is nearby!

Why will they close Raptor?

Gas for drive to Cedar Point: $25
Ticket to Cedar Point: $43
Drink while in line for ride: $3
Travel 420 feet in the air: Priceless



Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:30 PM
If the wind is blowing in the right direction Raptor will valley or "roll back."

ONE freeway stamp a day... ONE



Sunday, May 11, 2003 2:54 AM
As of 2:50 am sun may 11 ,2003, forcast is for T-storms overnight into the am . Should be better after noon but N.W. wind is forcast from back side of the low moving N.E.
If it where me and I had to travel more than 125 miles I'd take a pass this week It will be cool 55 to 65 ,25 mph winds are possible. Thereat of rain increases as day wears on toward eve. Sorry can't fix it its a long season come on a real nice day.
I'm not an old fogey, I'm just an old coaster rider..


Sunday, May 11, 2003 3:01 AM
Can you imagine running into the rain on the downside cause you are falling faster then the rain lol!

Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!


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