To all of you that bid on my stuff on ebay please e-mail me at . I realize that all you are very frustrated and YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE. Please understand that I have had many problems this last month and no longer live at the Columbus address. My other e-mail is no longer valid. Yes I do work at CP and I ask that you please do not come there and cause trouble. I will make sure that you ALL get your items plus extra! I have been so crazy the last month as many things for me have fallen through in life in general. I am not trying to make exscuses as I do not like to business like this as this is NOT WHO I AM! I realize that you all want your stuff and that you paid good money for it! My other computer is gone and I HAVE NO ACCESS to all of the e-mail addresses for the transactions. Tried to access it off of eBay but could not pull it up! I do have all of your items and I will be sure to get them to you. There is no way to explain what has happened in the last month and be sure that I will NEVER eBay again!
I apologize but please contact me with your information and I will be glad to mail out your stuff. Please use the e-mail above as my old one does not work and I will contact you as soon as possible! I will not always be able to get to this computer! Be sure that I will check this e-mail and get back to you!
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Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335
- The Darling one
"Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which we will not put." -Winston Churchill
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Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"
Closed topic.