I didn't lose my contacts on either of the rides though! :) They came back to the origional position with a few blinks ;)
TTD: 6 (Rollbacks seen: 24)
MF: 20
WT: 9
"C'mon, get off the rails guys, listen to the guy with the Disaster Transport uniform on!"
TTD rides =15
Time spent waiting for those rides= 39 hours.
This year I can't say I had any bugs get me while riding TTD at night while riding in the front seat , I was pretty surprised.
XiV HAUNTED CATACOMBS is back with vengeance...
Oct. 5th-31st
Feel the fear in *54* dayz
(All proceds to Benifit Variety Club of Buffalo)
TTD launches 2 (first launch in front row, second in fourth row)
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