a legend?

So, now that MF has broken in a bit, and people seem to be enjoying it...do you think MF will become a roller coaster legend like the Magnum or the Beast?
Yes! Without a doubt. I rode Millennium Force for the first time ever yesterday and it was the best roller coaster I have ever been on. The whole ride fast and smooth and there IS alot of airtime!
I really don't know, I think it probably would be. I look at coaster firsts like Medusa, King Cobra and no one really pays attention to design, such as stand up or floorless, most of the time it is to speed and height. Look at the fearsome 5 they all broke records of height and speed. I think Millennium Force will be a legend. No every park will be getting one unless the have the money.

Millennium Force Rids:0
Magnum XL-200 Drop:2
Mean Streak Shake Down:1
Mantis Stands:1
Raptor Fl
MF has that feel to it when you ride...that Magnumesque feel. It's hard to describe, but I think you know what I mean.

Magnum is still the park's crown jewel, MF will become a legend once its proven the test of time. Magnum has held its ground against the taller and faster rides and still is number one in my book.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 71/442
'00 M. Force Count:48/310
Let me chime in on this. MF may go down in history as one of the best rides ever created. It may de-thrown Magnum from the number one spot on all the coaster polls. MF may be higher, faster and smoother...ect,ect,ect. However, MF will NEVER have as great of a legacy as Magnum. Here's way I say this:

There is one thing that Magnum has, that no other coaster anywere on this planet, including MF, can take away from it: The Coaster War.

The coaster war may not of ever happened if Magnum was never built. When coaster historians look back on the second golden age of rollercoasters, they are going to have no other choice but to mention Magnum as nuclear warhead that started the second golden age.

Other Magnum untuchables include:

1.The coaster that put CP's name in the Guinness Book of World Records for the very first time.

2.The coaster that made CP an National and international amusement park.

3.The first hypercoaster.

That's my two cents on this subject.

*** This post was edited by Vince on 6/5/2000. ***

Why MF will be just as renown:

1. Will also be in the History books!

2. CP has been an international destination since
the early 80's.

3. The first GigaCoaster ;)

One other thing:

I have not yet been on MF, but I still don't see what all the hoopla is about it. The way I see MF is a coaster with a unusually tall first hill. As far as the rest of the ride is concerned, it has the profile of any hypercoaster. Other than the first hill, it's another hyper with little innovation at all.
...not to mention its' third hill is almost as tall as the Magnum's, has near inverted banks, a new elevator lift system, 80 degree descent, is the fastest out and back in the world.

Actually the track layout is very similar to Mag but despit the similarities it is a different animal. I think when you get the chance to ride it you'll realize it is in a different class.

Now repeat after me: "G-I-G-A- C-O-A-S-T-E-R"

Nut :o)
Magnum is not the first coaster that put CP in the Guinness Book. When it was built in 1978, Gemini was the worlds tallest coaster. And yes, it was in Guinness, since I've seen the 1979 Guinness Book of World Records, and sure enough, there's Gemini, in all it's 125 ft. glory.

Vince, I didn't know what all the hoopla was about till I rode it.

MY GOD THAT WAS AWESOME!!!-That was my reaction. Once you ride it, you will understand.
Dan is right. Lets ask the question again in 10 years.
Vince, Don't try to oversimplify what this coaster is. It's like saying the Golden Gate is just another bridge that has an unusually long span. Just reserve your verdict until you actually ride it. Yea it may have an an usually tall first hill but what other coaster have you been on that drops you 300 feet at 80 degrees. I think you will find out what intensity is all about. Let us know then what you think about it after you have experienced it.

Ain't it neat to have your butt out of the seat.
It has GREAT floater airtime on the lagoon hills and the best finish os any coaster.
This would be a good question to ask on June 5th, 2010 rather than two months after MF's debut. If MF travels down the smae history trail as Magnum, it could be one

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
Jeff's avatar
A legend? Well, consider this: At Busch Gardens Williamsburg this weekend people were talking about it in line for Escape from Pompeii. The next day in line for Volcano at Paramount's Kings Dominion they were talking about it.

A legend? You bet.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 25
People were talking about it in line for Superman Ride of Steel at Six Flags New England this past weekend also. I overheard and was like "Yeah, I rode it..."

ATL Zone 4 (CHANGED)Sweeps 2000
Start at CP in : 9 days

And they were talking about it at PKI this weekend also:) One guy I was in line with at Coastermania(and also went to the URC event at PKI) had ridden Goliath and he liked MF the best. Another guy in line at Coastermania had ridden Goliath and liked it the best.

Do we really care if everyone likes MF the best? Or do we care that CP has built a world class coaster for us to have fun with? Thank you CP for MF. It is definitely a WILD RIDE.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :) *** This post was edited by Scooter on 6/5/2000. ***
People were talking about it in lines at other parks because it's new. Like Beeman said, let's ask this question again on June 5, 2010. Not two months after it's debut. Legend's become legends over long periods of time, usually years.
Oh yea, lets not forget about Blue Streak putting CP in the record books. When it opened in 1964 it was the tallest ,and steepest, and maybe fastest, I'm not entirly sure about that one. Lets also not forget about the other great record breaking coasters at CP. But Blue Streak was the first if im correct. MF will definatly become a legend, its a F'N great ride.

"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down

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