A GTTP Annual Get Together

Hello again, hello (as Neil Diamond once sang)!
Please forgive me if this idea has already been proposed (I did use the search key and found nothing). I was thinking that since we are all fans of the Point, we should maybe pick one day this summer when we all try to attend the Point--you know, like a group get together. Maybe we could rent one of the area shelters and have like a buffet brunch/lunch or something. Then we could spend the day in the park. I know companies do this a lot--they have their annual picnics at the Point. Is this something we could do or not? I would be happy to be involved in the organization. Let me know what you all think (even if you think this is a stupid idea).
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
I like the idea. If everyone could get in line for MF at one time I would love to see the following

Ride Op ask "How Many People"
Someone Reply's "36"

A picture of a train full of people with GTTP shirts on, tell me that is not great promotion Jeff.

I believe the idea was already brought up, but that was an off-season thing. I don't know

Joe E

Great Idea, Guys! Just name the date and I'll arrive from Detroit :)

Well, Coastermania is usually the day when most of us are there. I went there last year, and I saw some people wearing GTTP shirts during the AM ERT pass by me, but I never asked them who they were on this site. Many people go on opening day and closing day too, but I think that Coastermania is the best bet, especially since many of us would be in the same spot in the morning (MF and Raptor).
I understand Coaster Mania and Opening Day/Closing Day but I still think we should have our own day (maybe it is just me--I don't know). We could try to make it an annual thing and get tee-shirts made up for the particular year with different sayings or something. I don't know--maybe I am going a bit overboard with this! I still say we do it--maybe we should plan it for early August or something. If we plan it in advance and advertise it, it could prove to be a great time! I agree that a picture with a whole lot of us would be great advertising for the site.

"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
I like it, Brandino. And I also feel like it should be something other than Coastermania/Opening/Closing. It would be interesting to see how many people show up...

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
it has been discused but more importantly belongs in the gatherings folder

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!

Sorry Mr. Spartan! I just was not sure that anybody was still paying attention to the "Gatherings Folder" now that the season has ended! I'll place the post there if you want or if Jeff tells me to do so as I do not want to start duplicate topics since doing so will likely slow down the site! :)
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Its just better suited in the other folder and also you'll get better responses as season gets closer.

Its not there not paying attention to the gatherings folder..Its just thats its early Jan and thats not til May. Just better to wait a bit from past experiences.

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!

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