A good way to spend $50

Here is a idea I came up with.. for 50 dollars cedar point woudld take you and 3 of your friends on a behind the tours scenes for one ride.. You could ask the questions. Kinda like Anatomy of Millenum force.. Starting out in the drawing room where it was actually concived and ending with a ride on the beast itself.. Would you be willing to pay the 50 dollars..

e x i t english's avatar

I could think of some better ways to spend $50. For instance, broccoli.

Yeah, I would much rather pay $40 to ride 17 different coasters, than pay $50 to look at one. Intersting idea though.

Most of it was probably concieved in Switzerland :D (Or one of those countries)

50$ for a trip to Europe? I'm in!

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~

I'd rather pay $50 to take a train from London to Alton Towers. Oh wait, that £50. LOL!!

I think this has been mentioned before. I'd love to see it happen, but I'm affraid it's one of those things that will never come to be.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
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I meant in addition to your regular ticket and you got to ride with no wait.. I think it would be neat espically on rides like TTD and MIlli...

e x i t english said:

That meal plan made me physically ill after about a week.

I've since stopped it and have just reduced my portions at my regular meals and have tried not to snack quite so much. 3 more pounds to go till I'm no longer obese. I'm down about 25.

At the right price ($15-$20 per person seems reasonable,) I think it would be popular (anyone who's been on one of Disney's Backstage tours already knows just how popular they can be if done right. )

I think there would be enough interest to have a 2-3 hour tour each week (maybe on Saturday), during the popular months (June-Aug.) A couple guides could handle 20-30 people each. Because the rides would be in operation, the amount of ride "behind the scenes" would be limited (or non-existent) due to safety issues, but I could think of many other areas that could be covered.

For the ride enthusiasts, I'd propose an "off-season" tour (more expensive, an all-day type thing, offered once the park closes) that would give an "in-depth" behind-the-scenes look. I'd envision someone like Monty giving the "off-season" tour and someone like Tony/Tyler giving the summer type.

I think both would be popular (with different people, for different reasons.) No huge money makers, but it would offer a little something extra to true "fans" of the park.

Anyway, I like the idea (better than broccoli). Our family would certainly sign up for both.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

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