A few questions...

Well I am going to CP on May 31-June-1 (and maybe the 2nd) I have read all the post on MF, and you all have me incredibly pumped for it. I do have a few questions though...1) Hows the airtime? 2) What would you expect lines to be on those dates. That pretty much all I got at the moment.
-Dave Hogsett

To answer some of your questions, If school is still in session on those dates it shouldnt be too bad, but being the coaster is still new, its hard to say really. I think it would be less then what it was on opening day. I would say that wednesday would be a good idea, the weekends are going to be even busier. My kids here in Toledo go to school until June 6th. Not sure about the schools in the surrounding areas, can anyone varify Sandusky schools and so forth?

The airtime is pretty good, the only thing I seem to differ with some on, is you dont seem to get really great airtime on the second hill. I know some on here say there are ways to experience it by doing a few things like leaning forward, etc.

Now the first hill the airtime is cool to me, and it seems the track on the hill is going over the bottom of the hill which makes the illusion of no track great, which in turn makes the airtime great! I think it was Dan who said if you lean foward on the way down, you almost never touch your seat on the first drop. I have yet to do this myself, for I have only rode it once so far, but we'll see.
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


I don't remember any airtime at all on this ride. Not even on the bunny hops, but then again I've only ridden it once and I must admit airtime was the furthest thing from my mind. I hear the very back (which is where I sat) doesn't get very good airtime but it's still one HECK of a drop. Magnum's drop isn't even close. Period.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Jeff's avatar
It depends on what you call airtime... if you mean seat ejection, no, you'll find none of that. If you mean float out of your seat while cresting a hill then floating all the way down the other side, there's a ton of that!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
If you are going June 2nd, then expect lines to "circle the globe" so to speak as people from all over will be attending Coastermania. There is supposed to be ERT for MF, but I expect there will be no REAL ERT, only an earlier chance to stand in the queue line. And as for the ERT on Mantis and Magnum...well what about the "regular" people left in the ride queue after the park closes. They are entitled to ride too. I'm not complaining, only stating that the expectations for ERT will probably be converted into disappointment. I'm going with a good attitude and will ride as much as I can;)
Thanks guys, and yes, Jeff, i mean that kind of airtime, not the ejection really, the more floaty feeling.

-Dave Hogsett

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