A Few Observations on opening day......


First of all.......MF was the daddy of rollercoasters! Smooth as glass, and fast fast fast! The security was great as far as letting you out of line to use the bathroom and get drinks, much friendly then last years security.

The part where they only let enough people in the entrance to the train, well it was bad as far as not giving you the chance to pick exactly (although they did let you in any queue that was open) where you want to sit, but, this made the line move more quickly in my opinion with less congestion. We got into line around noon, and the sign said 4 hour wait, we waited about 2 1/2 hours, not bad!!

The ride it self was better and then people can possibly describe...it was one of those, had to ride it to understand it deals!

The people in line and the people getting off the ride had so much energy, that it made any intimidations about riding it, go away. Its like there was so much commradary that you felt part of an elite group of people, it was great!

The staff in the park was very upbeat, and the overall crowd was great!

I took my first paddle boat excursion today, and it was pretty neat, our captian Josh was great! He did tell us that sometime today MF was clocked at doing 115! I thought he was probably joking but thats what he told us on the boat ride, and people wonder how rumors start.

Overall line waiting for most rides was great, rode some oldies but goodies with less then 15 min wait times.

I have to say I was kind of dreading opening day, for the crowd, but was pretty impressed

Meanstreak to me seemed a little less rough this year......yet corkscrew seemed rougher than ususal. And for some reason Magnum seemed really rough this year!! (sorry Dan :()

Well this is just some of my observations of opening day....the only thing that I didnt get to do today was meet any of you......Where were you all hiding?? LOL

The more you ride it, the more you want it!


*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 5/14/2000. ***


Clocked at 115? Impossible... great information though!


Majin Heero

The Magnum did seem really rough yesterday. Maybe its because I just had gotten off a smooth blue ride on MF, but I dont think so. It seemed especially jerky and bumpy on the turnaround by the beach. It also did seem like the signs saying how long the lines were were totally off. I also entered MF when it said 4 hr wait and got on in 2 and 1/2! You kind of had to use your own judgement.


The funniest thing I had heard in the park yesterday, was this lady yelling to her husband who had been in the MF line for about 15 mins. She was telling him that the line was a 10 hour wait! Where do these people come up with this? And Majin, I rode Magnum before MF, so I would have to say, Magnum was rough.

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

~~~Darla~~~ *** This post was edited by tohot2se on 5/14/2000. ***


tohot2se, we had a ride op at the meanstreak around 7:15 lastnight tell us that the MF queue was 6 hrs long. So alot of the info people get could be from employees fooling with people. It was actually funny because you could hear people start moaning about how long they would have to wait.

overall I was highly impressed with meanstreak. The last time I rode it I was in some major pain and vowed never to ride it again. Somewhatchewy convinced me to give it another shot, and I fell in love with it again.


screech, I rode meanstreak and that thing is just as rough if not worse this year than last. You should be able to lean back and enjoy a ride like (cough)Villain and you simply can't on MS. All you (or at least I) did was get bumped around like last year. To me is seemed just as rough.
Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!


Hooper, MS was alot smoother in sections than it was last year, we rode in both the fron and back of the trains, it is better than last year. I rode it like 6 times last year overall and they were all at differnt times of the day, this year we rode it 2 times, one early afternoon, the other, around 7:30-8:00, and it was smoother.

Did anyone else notice the restraints on corkscrew? They look new, it has seemed to me, that they might have gotten new OTS restraints. They dont go as high up on your head, and they seem thinner. I could be wrong, but im not sure on it.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things


You know, somewhat........I cant remember about the harness........must of still had my mind on MF!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


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