A Day at Cedar Point 2011 (video)

Erock's avatar

I just got back from my annual visit to Cedar Point; this year I decided that I wanted to film a little in the park and edit together a fun video. I wanted to make sure NOT to film while riding on any of the rides, as it is against park policy to do so. I DID however film a little while on the Giant Wheel, but I hope I can be forgiven for that :-P

Please watch, let me know what you think, leave a comment here or on the YouTube page...and hitting the 'like' button is always appreciated too ;-)


On a side note, I really enjoyed Windseeker! I think it's an awesome addition to the park. It's very relaxing and at the same time, very thrilling (if you are nervous of heights).

Thanks for watching!



To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them"

Great video, Erock. Looks like you covered the whole park. Nice editing with the speed control. Sharp night shots. Good video to watch when I can't be there. Looking forward to more. For those of us that use the hotels and campgrounds, maybe cover those in future videos. Thanks!

Frito Joe


Really good, nice job


JW Addington's avatar

Good video! Nice clip of my mill towards the end! ;)

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

Hey, that's actually quite good. Kudos.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Erock's avatar

Thanks for the comments guys! Glad everyone is enjoying it. Share it with all your friends!


Well done.

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