3d Raptor Model

Here is a 3d model of Raptor.It was modeled by NashCp and coasterguy(me).here is the url
The only reason youre here is beceause a monkey beat me up the stairs

*** This post was edited by Coasterguy on 8/8/2001. ***

WOW! thats cool!

-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island

If any one has any pictures that have great detail of the Raptor station could you please e-mail them to me.The station and trains are still under construction.
I tried blind dating.So I went to this restaurant and she didn't show.It turns out that they dont l
That looks great!...especially if you've just started.

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 8/9/2001. ***

That's beautiful work! What other models do you have?
'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'
Nash Has the Demon Drop model on the website
The only reason youre here is beceause a monkey beat me up the stairs
Nice work. Keep it up.
The station pics would be a great help to me also, and if you have pics (or know of a website that does) of parts of the ride that is not usually photographed, lift, midcousrse brakes, ect., that would also be of help to us to finish this roller coaster.

Thank You in advance.

-NashCp, and
-NashCp21. :)

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