3D Millennium Force POV


Badnitris your POV of MF at http://icdweb.cc.purdue.edu/~mcveen/MFhome.htm is absolutely stunning! How in the world can you call that crappy? You could easily do this for a roller coaster company and get paid big bucks.
For any who is thinking about dowloading this, I highly recommend it. It's definitely worth the 18 megabytes. *** This post was edited by CP_genius on 3/12/00. ***
The strobes in the tunnel look really cool.
thanks man... it helps to have encouragement... i know it isn't truly crappy, but i only say that because it isnt as good as i would like it to be.. maybe i am an over achiever though eh? but thanks for compliment, i have worked pretty hard on the animation...
Im downloading it now.By the looks of the other videos you made this one must be awsome!!!!
Jeff's avatar
I think it's pretty good. Only thing I would change is that the turn in to the first tunnel is almost a 90-degree bank, as is the first turn on the island.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Well I dont comment much, but I just couldnt hold myself back on this. Your preview is absolutly amazing. I think that it totaly beats the parks full ride preview! Great job, and please keep up the good work!

"Any day, is a great day, to ride a rollercoaster!"
im downloading it now i cant wait

let me off here!!!!

Hmmm...I've tried downloading the 18MB file twice now and when it gets to the 11th Megabyte, it just quits downloading. Any suggestions to help me get the whole thing? It won't let me open it without it being completely downloaded. I really would like to see this too! Thanks in advance for any help.
WOW!!! All I can say is, WOW!! This is far better than what the park has put out on their web site. I think I can speak for most of the members on this site when I say, THANKS!! I know from experience how time consuming this type of creative work is. I (WE) really appreciate being able to see a very good approximation of what this ride will be like. I have not personally seen a coaster of this type live but watching the POV from the perimeter road, it is easy to see how smooth this coaster will be. Once again, THANKS, and keep up the good work!!

Chris DeFouw
White Water Landing Crew '87
It's a beautiful thing!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar


Jeffrey Spartan
Its better than the CPs by alot!!! *** This post was edited by milleniumdude on 3/13/00. ***
Most excellent.
Dabull get gozilla www.gozila.com

Millennium Force count: 0
WOW! This is amazing! You really should consider doing this, as you could make a LOT of money. I love all the details, especially how you can see some of mantis in the background during the turnaround. Absolutely amazing!
Incredible. That about sums it up :)

Well worth the download.
To have people like you inspired by this machine to do a computer rendering of it is awsome! This is going to be one legendary coaster...I mean, the thing's not even open yet, and it has already made legendary status!
Badnitrus your POV is absolutely breathtaking :).
Your skills are awesome. What a great job!!!!
You would think that someone would be begging you to come to work for them when you see what CP got for their money. P.S. How about sound????
ok i am downloading it and after it gets done it says valid entry and it wont open what should i do

let me off here!!!! :) hey i finnally learned how to do it

*** This post was edited by MFreak on 3/15/00. ***
Have you tried doubleclicking it when you are in Winzip?

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