2010 Confirmation

Does everyone remember when Cedar Point signed a deal with Intamin to have 5 roller coasters built before the 2010 season.

That would mean.... it is time. New roller coaster, 2010. Cedar Point.


They have the land clearing in Millenium Island, and another theory is removing demon drop, and space spiral. If you look at it on Google Earth, you can see a strip of blank land between the two, combined with the two rides removed, you could easily get a 200 footer. (with a little help from the parking lot)

18 coasters baby.

DSShives's avatar

cedar_point_4_ever said:
Does everyone remember when Cedar Point signed a deal with Intamin to have 5 roller coasters built before the 2010 season.

I don't ever remember seeing such a deal and I seriously doubt anyone else has seen such a deal. If I'm wrong, lets see it.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

I dont know... but ive heard alot about it... so ive thought it was real...

it would make sense too.

Jeff's avatar

There was no deal. It's someone's imagination.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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