2003 Best Memory

My best memory would have to be my first test ride on TTD. Being up front and seeing all the people watchin me, wanting to be in my place...than TTD went down mechanical after my ride....hehe
Monster/W.W. Crew '03
My favorite memory is my Senior Skip Day, May 9...

Driving 2 hours in pouring rain and almost hydroplaning a few times, only to have the rain completely stop when we made it into Sandusky. The group I was with were the only people on Magnum, and we had a 5 min wait for MF, an hour for Dragster. Nothing can ever top that day, one last hurrah with my high school buds....
*** This post was edited by Casanova 11/7/2003 12:49:46 AM ***

Riding Front seat on Top Thrill Dragster! Also waiting in line for dragster and being one of the last trains, seeing how close they were coming to rolling back, but I did not get a rollback. Also the very first time I rode Dragster.
Trying my very first cheese-on-a-stick, after reading all the chatter about them on these boards. It was great (though the gourmet soft pretzels are still my favorite CP treat of all time).

I'm the product of a summer romance: My parents met at CP in '75!

Obviously the first launch on Dragster on opening day was incredible, but best memory is tied between the first Halloweekends night with my girl just looking around the park at my favorite time of year, and all the multiple straight Wicked Twister rides at open, or close, or in the rain!!

Resident Launch Whore

Another fav. memory is walking around the park during the black out kinda eerie but very cool. Also talking to some fellow enthusiasts who were surprisingly not that ticked becasue of the blackout.

I'm in the world but I'm not of the world.

Camp Snoopy 2000-2002
Mean Streak 2003

My best memory was when I realized, that after 1.5 hours of waiting, I had finally made it on TTD (on October 11). I was scared to death but I loved it. Hopefully I will get more rides next year.

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