"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Be aware that May usually is a good time for reduced rate packages. These are posted in late winter, around the first of February, when the other rates are announced. If you are staying on weekdays, the package deals are very good, some weekends in May (except Memorial Day Weekend) offer deals too, as kids are still in school.
Unless you are trying to book opening weekend or Memorial Day weekend, cabins will likely be relatively easy to come by during May. If you book early (you might do this ASAP just to be sure you have the desired cabin), compare rates against the packages when they are announced in February. I did this last year, and got two free park tickets, $30 in meal tickets, challenge golf tickets, and restaurant discount cards, plus a 25% discount off of the room. Just call back if a package deal is announced for the period of time you are staying - they will usually get you that deal.
First we Rock - then we Roll!
-Dave Kochman
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