Mean Streak

OPINION/POLL QUESTION- It's 1988 and your at Cedar Point, and in present day you run to your most favorite ride, usually Raptor or MF. But, it's 1988, Magnums out next year, what do you run to first, as your favorite ride in 1988? For Me? Mill Race. I loved IT!
Built from 1.7 million board feet of southern yellow pine, it's MEAN STREAK!


Considering the fact that I wasn't even at the park before 1990 it would be hard for me to answer. If I was a 21yr old hard core fan and the year was 1988 I would run to Gemini!

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801


Well, I would have been 4 years-old, so I probably wouldn't be running to anything, but theoretically speaking, I'd say Gemini.


I was there in 1988 and I would have to say the first thing I would have run to was the Gemini.


Jeff's avatar
I was 13 at the time so the only ride I was interested in was...

Oh wait, I know... family park, not park for making families.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 39


Thank you Jeff, that was funniest thing all night. Although I'd be about three back in 88' I'd say Gemeni.


Gemini was "The" Ride in '88. I really liked Thunder Canyon too and would wait in long lines for it.


Iron Dragon -- Gemini was still a little out of my league then. *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew

CP Twister

I went to the park in 1988 and the premiere ride at the time was definately The Gemini. Iron Dragon was also very popular as it had just been built.


It was the Gemini all the way. Lines past the Witches Wheel!!!! *** This post was edited by Nut on 9/5/2000. ***


Well, I was two, so probably Kiddy Kingdom or one of the carousels

(But if I was a coaster buff, Iron Dragon and Corkscrew would still be "better" and Gemini would rock the house!)


I was 2, but I was there! I would have ran to......what I did 4 years later....GEMINI! i still run to Gemini, after I down 2 delicious chilli-cheese dogs and a large Dew from The-Roundup.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2


Here's another vote for Gemini!

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!


Gemini's avatar
The Midway Carousel was always the first ride of the season. Then we went right next door to the Mill Race for the second.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway


Isn't it funny how "Gemini" is the one of the only people to *not* say Gemini? ;)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

Mean Streak

well, i assumed the answer would be that.


I was 3 so I would run to Jr. Gemini!:)

The Mother of all HyperCoasters-Magnum-Just Ride It!!!


The park was still a world class ride before Magnum and Raptor. The Gemini was without a doubt the whip! It still is the whip, can't go there without at least four rides. But Gemini wasn't the only thing around, we still had Demon Drop, Avalanche Run, Corkscrew, Iron Dragon and other great attraction. CP as always been a consistent thrill giver.


Hey! what about the Blue Streak???? I'd run there before anything!



I forgot about the PIRATE RIDE!
"You can never Safety Dance enough"

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