1973 Little Dipper

Jason Hammond's avatar

If you look closely at the 1973 Geauga Lake Park Map, you'll see that #32 is listed as Little Dipper. It is located in the future location of Cyclone. Presumably this is also a roller coaster. I do not know when it opened or closed. It's possible this was the Wild Mouse coaster but RCDB has the Wild Mouse located at Chippewa Lake Park by 1972 +/- 1 year. I don't think it was a traditional Little Dipper coaster based on the location of the station shown on the map.

Any thoughts on this?

*** Edited 1/4/2007 12:52:15 AM UTC by Jason Hammond***

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

*Gasp* That isn't the 1973 map, it's Cedar Fair's 2012 planning map. Looks like they only have to get rid of about 15 more rides to reach their goals!

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Jason -

I believe it was a traditional Herschel Little Dipper model as they were very popular around that time. The Wild Mouse was located where #43, #44, and #45 are located on the 73 map. I believe the GL Wild Mouse was removed in 1970 or 1971.

Ensign Smith - you may just be right!

Jason Hammond's avatar

The only thing that seems out of place about it being a Herschel Little Dipper, is that the station should be along the side and not on the end. But, we all know how accurate Park Maps are. ;)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

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