DT>ONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000066 size=2>A href="http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/inside_park/rides/thrill/2002/wt/qaa/qaa.cfm?showid=0#q37" name=q37>B>How much will Wicked Twister cost to build?/B> /A>BR> DD>ONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000066 size=2>Wicked Twister will cost $9 million to build and will be part of a $13 million total improvement package for the 2002 season.BR>/DD> P>ONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Wheres the extra 4 million going besides the Snoopy Ice thingy?/P> ----------------- 2001 M Count: 10
What's with the HTML? I'm sure tranferring the cinema into an ice skating show will take some serious dollars. Plus, the park can spend dollars in the millions just on general improvements (new concrete, new paint, fixing up bathrooms, etc.)
I do wonder about the rumor that the Dodgem by Magnum was going to Michigan's Adventure and that a restaurant was going in it's place????????
The Dodgem IS going to MA, but I don't know about the restaurant replacing it.
------------- I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Sorry about the HTML I just pasted junk from CP's website and it turned out like that. ----------------- 2001 MF Count: 10