
when i was standing in line for mf i overheard someone saying that they clocked mf at 115 mph.does anyone know if this is true?
the short answer is : NO

the longer answer is that the train would have to be travelling around 70 mph at the top of the hill in order to reach 115 at the bottom.
Again if you checked the other posts about MF and how fasts people say its been going you'd find that our crack team of "Guide To The Point" physics majors have calculated that its top speed could only be 97 MPH
"And now for something completely different" MPFC

I heard the same thing but it was told to me by the captain of the paddle boat ride. He could of been joking but didnt seem like it, I tend to think its not true.
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


I believe we have gone over this many times, even though i am not a rocket sciientist there is no way MF can go 115mph the lift isnt that fast
oh don't worry, the first hill isn't all that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!!!!!
Hmmmm...70mph up the hill...I wonder what that would do to the timing. They'd have to take TWO trains off the track then. ;)
Well I know It didn't reach 115, but it sure did feel like it. Man this thing is FAST. Probably varying from 92-95

There is also a little thing called FRICTION. There is no way Millennium Force could ever go 115mph.
Would't air resistence have a larger effect than friction at that speed?

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it... Beyond words... bey
If it was a freefall ride it still wouln'tgo 115mph.(Hmmm,a 300 Foot Demon Drop or Power Tower.)
Let me see, last time I checked Top Speed ment it doesn't go faster than 92.
P.S.---JT Coaster: air resistance IS friction.
No, air resistance is not friction. Friction is the rubbing of two things together (Wheels and Track). Air Resistance (Drag) is the force the air puts on the train causing it to slow down.
Everyone! Go to the website www.SanduskyRegister.com for awesome MF videos, when you get there click on a small ad titled NF photos and videos. They have a ride the force video which has a screen that is twice the size of the one on CP's page! The clarity is also 100% better. There are also two more good videos to check out there! Go there, it is worth it!
To bring this thread, and hopefully all threads like this one, to a close, Millennium Force goes no faster, or not much anyway, than what was reported on the cedarpoint.com website.

America's Roller Coast
Millenium Force clocked 104mph its true I saw it on Fox 8 news, plain dealer.
Jeff's avatar
It didn't happen. See previous threads for the physics.

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Millennium Force laps: 23

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