What has your experience been this year with bags and rides. Can you ride Millie with any kind of bag?
srdtrd15 -
Wife uses a fanny pack. Rides ever ride in the park. Just push it to the side or the back. Never have had any problems.
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I bought a Cedar Point fanny pack at one of the shops and it has been put to very good use through the season, so far. I did see one lady on Gatekeeper with one of those mini crossbody bags and they allowed her to ride with it. In my experience, fanny packs never fail. I always push mine to one of my sides for the room for ride restraints.
Platinum Pass Holder/GOCC Member
if you have a fanny pack, you can take that on all the rides. We had an issue the first day there last week and we ended up buying the "coaster gear" fanny pack from a gift shop and my wife had no issues with taking it on any of the coasters. We had both our cell phones in it with car keys and a small wallet.
You cannot ride a ride with a bag on you, you have to put it in a bin. Exceptions seem to be Woodstock express, mine ride, eagles and pipe scream.
Bluestreaker -
Rides don't have bins for bags anymore. You have to rent a locker.
Paul Florio -
Fanny packs are 100% allowed, unless we aren't considering those "bags"
Go Intamin -
I wasn't counting fanny packs at all. In fact, Tempesto at bush gardens uses fanny packs in place of the bin system.
Paul Florio -
ah ok.
I was suppressed to see how closely the workers pay attention to bags at the line entrance. Before we got the fanny pack, my wife had a bag that was pretty much the same size. we walked by the guy and went on line for MF but was quickly followed by the employ that said sorry but you can take the bag with you.